Legal Issues

The following is a list of the major laws impacting Human Resources Management.

Equal Employment Opportunity Laws

Enforcement Agencies

Responding to a Discrimination Complaint

Usually an employer will have an advanced indication that a formal discrimination complaint is being filed with a government enforcement agency. That's because employees usually try resolve the complaint inside the company before filing. In fact, it helps the employee's case if he/she can demonstrate that they tried to resolve it internally. Therefore the best way to respond to a discrimination complaint is to start early, when the employee first brings forth the complaint, which is usually long before a formal complaint is filed. Investigate the complaint thoroughly. Interview all the parties involved including witnesses. Bring the conclusions of the investigation to the complainant. If the result of the investigation supports the employees complaint, then try to reconcile the problem: give them the promotion that was denied them due to discrimination, discipline a discriminating or harassing manager or employee, move the harassing party, inform the employees that harassment is unacceptable, remove the offending posters, etc. Often the result of the investigation will not be clear. If so, inform the complaining party that the results were inconclusive. Perhaps a mutually agreeable accommodation can be reached. Perhaps the employee who complained can be counseled on things he/she can do differently (e.g. complete your degree to qualify for the next promotion). Above all, document every step of the process as a defense against a possible lawsuit. If you receive a formal complaint from a government enforcement agency, contact a lawyer who specializes in employment law.

Laws Affecting Benefits and Pay

Other Employment Laws


Payroll is a highly regulated and thankless function. It takes considerable knowledge and effort to issue paychecks correctly and on time. Yet employees expect their paychecks to be completed correctly and delivered on-time. If not, the company can have serious morale and legal problems. Regulations affecting payroll include the Fair Labor Standards Act which regulates overtime pay requirements, the IRS which regulates income tax withholding (determining what types of compensation and which individuals are subject to withholding can be challenging), and other federal and state laws which regulate state income tax withholding, workers compensation premiums, and unemployment insurance. Payroll record keeping is also critical for, among other reasons, the issuance of W2 forms at the end of the year.

Outsourcing payroll is an excellent solution to the legal compliance issues. The payroll services can provide assistance in complying with the law and in most cases fulfilling legal requirements, such as issuing W2's and filing periodic reports. There are a number of payroll services from which to choose, including ADP, Ceridian, and Pro-Business.

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