To order, call 1-888-662-4937 or print this form, fill in the blank lines, enclose a check payable to Auxillium West, and mail it to the address listed below. Note that prices are subject to change.

HRnetSource - Please contact me regarding implementing HRnetSource (Price starts at $6480). I understand that I can return the product within 30 days if I am not completely satisfied with it, for a full refund.

Please send me "HRSource™" for only US$1495 (multiple-user license, or US$895 single-user license) plus tax . I understand that I can return the product within 30 days if I am not completely satisfied with it, for a full refund.

Please send me "The HR Intranet Solution™" for only US$1995 plus tax (includes 10 hours of customization). I understand that I can return the product within 30 days if I am not completely satisfied with it, for a full refund.

Please send me "The Virtual HR Department™" (includes free browser software and 5 hours of consulting) for only US$1495 plus tax (prices start at US$895 for a single-user license). I understand that I can return the product within 30 days if I am not completely satisfied with it, for a full refund.

Quantity: ______   Total:  US$____________________
Name:                _______________________________________
Company:             _______________________________________
Type of Business:    _______________________________________
Number of Employees: _______________________________________
Address:             _______________________________________
City/State/Country:  _______________________________________

Auxillium West
7560 Waterford Drive
Cupertino, CA 95014

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